
Defines several scalable arrays of numbers used to tile plaquettes.

This module defines the Template interface that should be implemented by subclasses implementing different templates.

Terminology used#

The template terminology is used to describe an object (instance of a subclass of the Template class) that can be “instantiated” into an array of integers from an input integer scaling parameter \(k\).

A subtemplate is a constant-size sub-array of a template instantiation. For the moment, a subtemplate is always a square sub-array with odd-sized sides.

The scaling parameter \(k\) directly relates to the code distance \(d\) (at least for regular surface code) where \(d = 2 k + 1\).


As noted in the terminology section, a “template” is defined as something that can be “instantiated”, i.e., that can generate an array of integer from a given scaling parameter \(k\).

Templates should all inherit from the base Template class that defines a few abstract methods that have to be overridden by child classes. The most canonical example of a template is implemented by the QubitTemplate class: it represents the arrangement of plaquettes needed to make a logical qubit.

The following code demonstrates quite well what a template is supposed to be.

from tqec.templates.display import display_template
from tqec.templates.qubit import QubitTemplate

template = QubitTemplate()
display_template(template, 2)

It outputs

1   5   6   5   6   2
7   9   10  9   10  11
8   10  9   10  9   12
7   9   10  9   10  11
8   10  9   10  9   12
3   13  14  13  14  4

The template instantiation is an array of size \(6 \times 6\), filled with integers. Each unique integer will eventually either be linked to a plaquette or be left empty. Let’s try to clean up a little bit the array by setting the values 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 12 and 14 to the value 0 that means “no plaquette here” for all templates (and that is represented by . for visibility).

k = 2
removed_plaquettes = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 12, 14}
    template, k, [i if i not in removed_plaquettes else 0 for i in range(1, 15)]

that outputs

.   .   6   .   6   .
7   9   10  9   10  11
.   10  9   10  9   .
7   9   10  9   10  11
.   10  9   10  9   .
.   13  .   13  .   .

The above array looks very much like a logical qubit arrangement as can be seen in most of the papers using the surface code and below!


But that is only a distance \(5 = 2 \times 2 + 1 = 2 k + 1\) code. Let’s try to scale that up:

k = 5
    template, k, [i if i not in removed_plaquettes else 0 for i in range(1, 15)]

outputs what we would expect: the “template” of plaquettes for a logical qubit using a distance \(d = 2 k + 1 = 2 \times 5 + 1 = 11\) code:

.   .   6   .   6   .   6   .   6   .   6   .
7   9   10  9   10  9   10  9   10  9   10  11
.   10  9   10  9   10  9   10  9   10  9   .
7   9   10  9   10  9   10  9   10  9   10  11
.   10  9   10  9   10  9   10  9   10  9   .
7   9   10  9   10  9   10  9   10  9   10  11
.   10  9   10  9   10  9   10  9   10  9   .
7   9   10  9   10  9   10  9   10  9   10  11
.   10  9   10  9   10  9   10  9   10  9   .
7   9   10  9   10  9   10  9   10  9   10  11
.   10  9   10  9   10  9   10  9   10  9   .
.   13  .   13  .   13  .   13  .   13  .   .

This ability to scale to arbitrarily large values of \(k\) (as long as your computer can store a matrix of shape \((2k+1, 2k+1)\)) is exactly the reason of existence of the Template class.

This module also includes a few sub-classes implementing the Template interface:

  1. QubitTemplate that has already been used in documentation and that represents a logical qubit.

  2. QubitSpatialCubeTemplate that represents a a logical qubit with all the spatial boundaries in the same basis.

  3. LayoutTemplate that represent an arbitrary layout of other templates arranged on a regular grid.


This module also implements helpers to list and represent sub-templates. A sub-template is basically a sub-array of a given template instantiation. Sub-templates are all of known constant size and cannot be scaled. Sub-templates are represented as an array of integers with a square shape (i.e., 2-dimensional with the same number of elements in each dimension) with odd-sized sides.

The module tqec.templates.subtemplates provides functions to compute all the subtemplates for given template instantiation and subtemplate size along with some data-structure to represent efficiently this collection of sub-templates.


Templates are basically scalable arrays of integers. The module tqec.templates.display provides a few functions to display a pretty and human readable representation of a given template instantiation. These functions are used in the documentation about templates above, and so their output can be observed above.


display_template(template, k[, ...])

Display a template instance with ASCII output.


Display an array representing a template instantiation with ASCII output.


LayoutTemplate(element_layout[, ...])

A template representing a layout of other templates.


An error-corrected qubit.


Base class for all the templates.