Quick start using tqec#

1. Define your computation#

The first step should be to define the error-corrected computation you want to implement. For the sake of simplicity, we will take an error-corrected CNOT implementation that has been defined using SketchUp and available at media/user_guide/logical_cnot.dae.

You can also interactively visualise the CNOT implementation below.

2. Import your computation#

In order to use the computation with the tqec library you need to import it using tqec.BlockGraph:

from tqec import BlockGraph

block_graph = BlockGraph.from_dae_file("logical_cnot.dae")


Pre-defined computations

The tqec.gallery sub-module contains several pre-defined computation that have already been implemented. If you only want to test the library on a simple pre-defined computation, you can use to following code:

from tqec.gallery.logical_cnot import logical_cnot_block_graph

block_graph = logical_cnot_block_graph(port_type="Z")

3. Choose the observable(s) of interest#

The tqec library can automatically search for valid observables in the imported computation. To get a list of all the valid observables, you can use the following code

correlation_surfaces = block_graph.find_correlation_surfaces()

Any observable can be plotted using the tqec dae2observables command line. For our specific example, the command line

tqec dae2observables --out-dir observables/ logical_cnot.dae

should populate the observables directory with 3 .png images representing the 3 valid observables found.

4. Compile and export the computation#

In order to get a stim.Circuit instance, the computation first need to be compiled.

from tqec import compile_block_graph

# You can pick any number of observables from the output of
# block_graph.find_correlation_surfaces() and provide them here.
# In this example, picking only the second observable for demonstration
# purposes.
compiled_computation = compile_block_graph(block_graph, observables=[correlation_surfaces[1]])

From this compiled computation, the final stim.Circuit instance can be generated.

from tqec.noise_model import NoiseModel

circuit = compiled_computation.generate_stim_circuit(


The above call to generate_stim_circuit also computed automatically the detectors and observables that can be added to the computation and added them to the generated circuit. If you are using a regular surface code (as we are in this quick start guide), the default values for the detectors-related parameters should be fine.

And that’s all! You now have a quantum circuit representing the topological error-corrected implementation of a CNOT gate shown at the beginning of this page.

You can download the circuit in a stim format here: media/user_guide/quick_start/logical_cnot.stim.

6. Simulate multiple experiments#

The circuit can be simulated using the stim and sinter libraries. Usually you want to simulate combinations of error rates and code distances, potentially for multiple observables. Multiple runs can be done in parallel using the sinter library using the start_simulation_using_sinter. The compilation of the block graph is done automatically based on the inputs.

from multiprocessing import cpu_count

import numpy as np

from tqec.noise_model import NoiseModel
from tqec.simulation.simulation import start_simulation_using_sinter

# returns a iterator
stats = start_simulation_using_sinter(
    ks=range(1, 4),  # k values for the code distance
    ps=list(np.logspace(-4, -1, 10)),  # error rates
    noise_model_factory=NoiseModel.uniform_depolarizing,  # noise model
    manhattan_radius=2,  # parameter for automatic detector computation
    observables=[correlation_surfaces[1]],  # observable of interest


While sinter can be supplied with additional simulation parameters, full interoperability with it is not yet implemented. See Sinter API Reference for more information.


If you happen to copy-paste the above code in an executable Python file, you should make sure that you use

if __name__ == "__main__":

to wrap all the code that might execute the sinter calls. To know more about this issue, have a look at the section “Safe importing of main module” in the multiprocessing module documentation.

7. Plot the results#

Simulation results can be plotted with matplolib using the plot_simulation_results.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sinter

from tqec.simulation.plotting.inset import plot_observable_as_inset

zx_graph = block_graph.to_zx_graph()

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# len(stats) = 1 if we have multiple we can iterate over the results
    x_func=lambda stat: stat.json_metadata["p"],
    group_func=lambda stat: stat.json_metadata["d"],
plot_observable_as_inset(ax, zx_graph, correlation_surfaces[1])
ax.set_title("Logical CNOT Error Rate")

8. Conclusion#

This quick start guide has shown how to use the tqec library to define a computation, import it into the library, compile it to stim circuits. Simulations are run and visualized for multiple error rates and code distances. For an extensive example, see also the tqec_example.

The process can be repeated through the cli using

tqec run-example --out-dir ./results