
encode_pauli_string_commuting_cover_sat_problem_in_solver(solver: CryptoMinisat, expected_pauli_string: PauliString, available_pauli_strings: list[PauliString], qubits_to_consider: frozenset[int]) None[source]#

Build the SAT problem that should be solved to find a commuting cover.

This function encodes the SAT problem of interest into the provided solver. As such, the provided solver is expected to be a newly created instance, and will be mutated by this function.

The encoded problem is the following:

Find the indices of Pauli strings in available_pauli_strings such that the product of all the corresponding Pauli strings commutes with expected_pauli_string on all the qubits in qubits_to_consider.

The SAT problem contains one boolean variable per Pauli string in available_pauli_strings, deciding if the associated Pauli string should be part of the cover.

The formula is quite simple: for each qubit in qubits_to_consider, the following two boolean formulas should be True:

  1. The X part of the resulting Pauli string, obtained from XORing the X part of each Pauli string weighted by the boolean variable that decides if the Pauli string should be included or not, should be equal to the X part of the expected final Pauli string or be equal to I.

  2. Same reasoning, but for the Z part.

Note that the “should be equal to the [P] part of the expected final Pauli string” is natively implemented in the SAT solver used, so we do not need to adapt the formula with some binary logic tricks. The solver really solves a conjunction of a XOR b XOR ... XOR z == [True/False].

Also note that the “or be equal to I” part is a little bit more tricky and requires some care. The logic retained for each of the possible Pauli terms is explained inline within the code.

The number of XOR clauses in the formula depends on the number of each Pauli terms in the input expected_pauli_string that is considered (i.e. on qubits in qubits_to_consider). Let [P] be the number of Pauli term equal to P in expected_pauli_string, the number of XOR clauses in the resulting formula is (2 * [I] + [X] + [Y] + [Z]) * len(qubits_to_consider). That means that there are less clauses in the SAT problem defined in this function than in the one defined in encode_pauli_string_exact_cover_sat_problem_in_solver(), except if expected_pauli_string only contains identity gates, in which case the two functions return the same number of XOR clauses.

Just like encode_pauli_string_exact_cover_sat_problem_in_solver(), the number of terms in each XOR clause can vary depending on the provided Pauli strings in available_pauli_strings.

Also note that the problem defined above includes a trivial solution: do not include any Pauli string. This lead to an identity Pauli string, that will necessarily commute with the provided target. A specific clause is added to the SAT problem to avoid that particular trivial solution.

  • solver – solver that will be modified in-place to encode the SAT problem.

  • expected_pauli_string – target Pauli string that should be covered by strings from available_pauli_strings.

  • available_pauli_strings – Pauli strings that can be used to try to cover expected_pauli_string.

  • qubits_to_consider – qubits on which the cover should be exactly equal to expected_pauli_string. Qubits not listed in this input will simply be ignored and no restriction on the value of the resulting cover on those qubits is added.